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Pizza in the Hut 2024

Join us Sunday, October 20 at Noon to celebrate Sukkot in the Hut! Enjoy pizza, games in the sukkah and a pesto garden party!

Please note that this is non-refundable.

Privacy and Use of Images Families may be photographed or videotaped as they participate in Temple activities, or they may be recorded in Temple Shalom video stream programs. On occasion, these images, and the identity of the persons depicted, may be used by Temple Shalom for educational, instructional, development and/or informational purposes in print, internet and digital media, including in news releases (e.g, Texas Jewish Post) and/or printed publications or materials, electronic publications, or websites. Temple Shalom will not sell images of Temple Shalom members or non-members or their families to third parties, and it will not use their images for promotional or advertising purposes that do not concern Temple Shalom and its programs.

Thu, September 12 2024 9 Elul 5784